CSA Shares
Our heritage sheep are fed grain as well as free choice hay and pasture. We lease 20 acres of pasture for the summer.
If you are looking for just pasture raised or a gain x hay/pasture combo, please reach out. We are happy to work with you! We raise 3 different breeds as well as a few crosses. We keep each breed separate to compare flavors.
CSA Share
Lamb Shares
We raise Heritage Gloucestershire Old Spot and Berkshire cross pigs on 1/2 acre of wooded pasture. Our pork is dark with marbling, has a succulent texture, and far more flavorful than commercial pork. Our pigs are not fed grain like big factory farms. They get hay, roots, bark, pasture, food scraps, and garden scraps.
CSA Share
Pork Shares
We raise pasture broilers. They are fed grain, bugs, grass, and garden scraps. They are grown out in chicken tractors unless they break their tractors (happens occasionally) then they free roam the yard. Their tractors are moved every day across the yard to get fresh grass and bugs. We also raise roosters for meat. We raise a small number of Turkeys, Ducks and Geese for Thanksgiving and Christmas. PRE-ORDER is a MUST.
CSA Share Available
We raise Kiko / Boar / Alpine cross meat goats. Our goats clear pasture all spring through summer and then are sent off for meat at the end of the year. We do keep some over the winter with the sheep to clean up what they don't eat!
We will occasionally have rabbit as well for our mixed CSA.
CSA Share
The acronym CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Our CSA members pay for an entire season of produce and/or meats up front, thus allowing us to reduce the cost for them significantly. This early bulk payment enables us to plan for the season, purchase new seed, purchase new breeding stock, maintain structures, make equipment repairs and put money aside towards the following CSA season.

Summer Mixed Meat CSA
Summer CSA -
June -- October
Pork, Lamb, Mutton, Beef, Goat, Chicken
Winter Mixed Meat CSA
Winter CSA - November -- February

About our CSA Shares
We offer mixed meat CSA shares year round. We offer single type meat shares in the fall and winter. We tend to sell out fast so please reserve early to save yourself a spot. Our mixed meat shares, have what we have left available in our freezers each season. We occasionally will have beef, and rabbit in our mixed meat CSA. We don't offer beef or rabbit CSA's because we don't have enough inventory to offer that. Please reach out to us if your interested in single item cuts.
Share vs. CSA
A Share is the whole animal or part of it cut to your specifications. This is done by a custom butcher. You will need to print and sign 2 copies of the forms next to each Share and mail it to us when you place your order. You will pick up all the meat at once.
A CSA is a monthly pick up of meat. You don't have to worry about freezer room. Meat will be USDA inspected and packaged. You do not get to choose any cuts, instead you will be given a variety of cuts.
Meat Chicken CSA
We are offering pasture-raised broiler chickens, where they are raised thriving on pasture with fresh air, grass, insects, NON-GMO grain, soil and sunshine. In return the chickens help fertilize the yard. These chickens are healthy, fresh, and the best tasting chicken you can buy.
Supplies are limited and are first come first served. Purchasing a share means we will reserve the chickens for you. Whole chickens average 4.5 lbs. Chicken shares will be pick up here on the farm.

Lamb CSA
We are now offering pasture-raised lamb and mutton. We raise a closed flock of heritage cotswold, clun forest and finn sheep. Through careful selection of only the best traits in our sheep, we have grown our flocks to 40 breeding ewes. Our flocks rotationally graze on our leased fields from May until September. As well as grazing our home pasture and are fed free choice hay. In the late fall and winter months they are fed second cut hay and NON-GMO grain, and free choice minerals.
Please check the sheep page to learn more about different flavors of lamb. If you would like one certain breed, please let us know.
Our free range chickens consume nutrients you can't find in store bought eggs. They dine on food scraps, bugs, non-gmo grain, grass, clover & herbs. This diet will contribute to an egg with a whole lot of flavor.
We never use GMO's or Antibiotics and the chickens diet is all natural. Our birds are truly free range and roam the yard at their own will. This is one reason our eggs have deeper orange yolks with rich flavor rather than pale yellow yolks like store bought eggs.

Pork CSA
We raise Heritage Gloucestershire Old Spot and Berkshire cross pigs rotated on 1/2 acre of wooded pasture every 3 weeks. Our pigs are eager to browse through the grass, shrubs, and soil for worms, roots and grubs. They receive a diverse diet from their pasture and woodland as well as hay, food scraps and garden vegetables. Our pork is dark with marbling, has a succulent texture, and far more flavorful than commercial pork. Our pigs are not fed grain like big factory farms.
Please check the livestock tab and click on the pig page to learn more about our pigs.
Goat CSA
We raise Kiko / Boar / Alpine cross meat goats. Our goats clear pasture all spring through summer and then are sent off for meat at the end of the year. We do keep some over the winter with the sheep to clean up what they don't eat! They receive a diverse diet from their pasture and woodland as well as hay, and NON-GMO grain.

Beef CSA
We raise Beef crosses. They are feed moms milk until weaning. Then are fed first and second cut hay for a year. Once they are year old they get a little bit of NON-GMO grain until butchering. They have about 1/3 acre of wooded pasture they live on.
Our cows are normally used for our consumption but we have decided to raise 2 per year. Our beef is limited so order early! They are sent off in June.