Our Products

Our heritage sheep are fed grain as well as free choice hay and pasture. We lease 20 acres of pasture for the summer.
If you are looking for just pasture raised or a gain x hay/pasture combo, please reach out. We are happy to work with you! We raise 3 different breeds as well as a few crosses. We keep each breed separate to compare flavors.
CSA Share

We raise Heritage Gloucestershire Old Spot and Berkshire cross pigs on 1/2 acre of wooded pasture. Our pork is dark with marbling, has a succulent texture, and far more flavorful than commercial pork. Our pigs are not fed grain like big factory farms. They get hay, roots, bark, pasture, food scraps, and garden scraps.
$4.00 lb hanging weight. (You pay additional smoking if over 50lbs)
CSA Share Available

We raise pasture broilers. They are fed grain and garden scraps. They are grown out in chicken tractors unless they break their tractors (happens occasionally) then they free roam the yard. Their tractors are moved every day across the yard to get fresh grass and bugs. We also raise roosters for meat. We raise a small number of Turkeys, Ducks and Geese for Thanksgiving and Christmas. PRE-ORDER is a MUST.
CSA Share Available

We raise a variety of meat rabbits. Our rabbits are fed Blue Seal Bunny 16 and get hay to munch on. We have 4 breeding females and 2 males. Breeds include: californian, Flemish, Satin, Rex, New Zealand. We can do whole, half, or cuts. We also have bunny pelts available.
CSA Share Available

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If you find something wrong with a listing please let us know. Shipping prices are around $3.90-$14. I'm still working here on my website so please be patient. Our prices should be the same as the etsy store but our shipping should be cheaper here.
Our Store is still new...

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